Thank you for contacting goajo agency
please upload your documents as you will get contacted shortly
Thank you for contacting goajo agency
Sorry, I could see you
Sorry, you’ve already uploaded your documents, how can we help you?
Have you submitted my application, if you have,why have I not been notified by the university?
Sorry, you’ve already uploaded your documents, how can we help you?
You can help by telling me when I will get an update concerning my application
Kindly get in touch with your counsellor for any update concerning your Applicay
But my chancellor said I should be monitoring here for update
Greetings, pls what is the update concerning my application
Dear Sir/Ma, I wish to request for the immediate refund of my service charge of (150,000NGN) One hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira Only, paid to your agency on 20th December, 2023. Meanwhile I'm made to understand that your agency is no more in partnership with Griffith University as at the time I was asked to pay by one of your senior student Councilor and assistant manager Port Harcourt office in person of Mr. Christian. This is disappointing as you people decided to take money from me even when you know you have no plan to renew your agency agreement with Griffith University, thereby putting my ambition in Jeopardy. Please find attached payment evidence and refund me ASAP, because any delay to refund me will compelled me to seek a redr
Greetings, You people have failed to render a service and yet refused to refund me the payment I have made to you as service charge. So what are you trying to do? To tell the court of law that you will collect money and refuse to do an applicant job? Or that you have done the job without evidence of same? We shall see how this ends with your company in damages you have done to my career and ambition.. Regards