Messages from Update
  • I wish to express great displeasure with your services. You agent Mr. Pila austine is not a straight forward agent. He has not any application yet collect my money. Pls I write to seek for a refund

  • He has not done any application yet collected my monet

  • Pls I seek a refund of the money I paid

  • hello

  • Kindly upload your agreement form

  • send proof of payment, when you paid, the account you paid into....Thanks

  • I paid to Goajo Educational Consult Limited Account no: 1014466071 Bank name: Zenith Bank At 1:15:33pm. Please tell me how to attach proof of payment

  • August 21,2023

  • use the upload files menu on the dashboard

  • File uploaded

  • kindly upload in pdf format as we are unable to assess those uploaded

  • Pdf has been attached

  • Greetings. I have attached all documents requested for. Pls what is the update on the refund